Created by potrace 1.14, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ryan Sutter

Ryan is the second oldest of the Sutter siblings, and the co-founder of both Nuclear Gopher and The Lavone.

Middle school age Ryan, just learning the guitar

Ryan was born 14 months after Rhett and, unlike Rhett, did not immediately take to music.  He liked to listen to Beatles records with his brothers, but he gravitated more towards reading, writing, and technology.  When Rhett wanted to play music, he tagged along.  When Rhett performed with adults, Ryan was impressed, but he was more interested in being a writer than a musician.

Things changed when Rhett played Dark Side of the Moon for him in 6th grade.  Shortly thereafter he bought a guitar and started to learn to play it, a task that took him the better part of three years.

At age 15, Ryan decided music was something he was interested in on his own, not just something he did with Rhett.  He started working seriously on his songwriting and before long recorded his first solo album.

In 1989, Ryan woke up from a dream with the phrase “the gay laughter of nuclear gophers” in his mind.  He wrote it on a piece of paper and went back to sleep.  Some months later he found the paper and used the phrase as a song title.  Shortly thereafter he and Rhett named their recording studio the Nuclear Gopher Original Electric Recording Studio.  They began releasing their music under the label Nuclear Gopher Cheese Factory and eventually, thanks to confusion over dairy products, Nuclear Gopher Productions.

Ryan in his natural element, using a first-generation iMac in the Nuclear Gopher studio

The resident Nuclear Gopher technologist, Ryan established Nuclear Gopher on the Internet in 1994 and at in 1996 where it remained until 2004.

2003 saw the release of Ryan’s final Nuclear Gopher album, a compilation of twenty of his personal favorite recordings from the period 1992-2003.

In 2004, Ryan started the post-Nuclear Gopher musical phase of his life, independently recording and releasing multiple solo albums and continuing to work in his personal project studio, Nuclear Gopher Too.

On-stage with Rhett for the last time


More music from Ryan can be found at

3 Responsesso far.

  1. Uncle Ghost says:

    Lol, I sent this to your lil brother but it didn’t go through then found this of yours… Was cute music back then. Now you’re rebuilding boat motors, looks like your dad’s boat that was new way back then. Funny how much your voice now sounds like me talking on the boat motor videos. Looking back and wishing I could hug you. Don’t know what happened to my sis (your mom) but I wish things were different. I miss you. Jehovah soon to take control of his Earth.

    Speaking of that, just some food for thought… Since the Earth spins over 1,000 miles per hour at the equator, how long should it take you to fly in a 747 jet with a top speed of 760 mph flying with the rotation of the Earth? How about against the rotation of the Earth. Flying against the rotation you should logically be at your destination in minutes or seconds (1,000 mph rotation + 760 mph = 1,760 miles per hour). Rather fast trip huh? And seeing as how the Earth is traveling faster than the 747, you could never arrive at your destination until the Earth’s rotation caught up with the plane from behind. It would be faster to go up in a helicopter or balloon and wait for the Earth’s rotation to come to you than to try to chase the rotation at a slower speed. Food for thought… Remember 2Peter… the Earth and the things in it will be discovered, shown up, exposed, revealed. Sit back and think about how Satan’s world has lied to us. (Ryan you will say… it doesn’t work that way, it’s like traveling in a car… but wrong because lets say you are traveling in a long bus, you shoot a bullet from the rear end of the bus to the front of the bus, you still need to add the speeds together to see the difference in arrival time and the other way is opposite, inside or outside when covering the full distance makes no difference as to traveling speed in both situations… do the math, it is cold hard fact!)

    Why do you suppose that all pilots of all planes fly to a certain height and LEVEL out the plane over the Earth? On the globe the pilot should be forced to constantly dip the nose of the plane down to keep a level plane from flying into space, but they don’t because the plane flies LEVEL, not in a curve. Again we’ve been lied to.

    Things that make me go hmmm? Ok so watching a ship at sea go 5 miles over the horizon, it goes over the curve of the Earth right? Then why when I look through binoculars does it come back in view? Oh ya because it is not over the curve yet right? Then why when it is mathematically impossible at 15 miles away to see the ship past the curve of the Earth can I put my telescope on it and bring it back to view? Because someone that came up with the mathematical equation that the view of Earth’s curved horizon before going over the curve of the Earth which is… At 1 mile the drop is .6 foot, at 5 miles the drop is 15 feet, at 10 miles the drop is 63 feet, at 15 miles the drop is 141 feet over the curve and impossible to view, yet there it is proving NASA and Satan’s world lied,again.???

    Think long and hard about Genesis. It clearly states that Jehovah created the Earth, read the order and think. On day 3-4 he placed the sun, moon and stars inside the Earth’s (expanse or firmament), this word in Hebrew is Raki’a which literally means “firm, hard vault covering in the sky.

    What does the bible say happened at Noah’s flood… The floodgates (windows of the vault were opened) to allow waters from above in. Was the waters from above emptied? No because much, much later the book of Psalms tells us that the water is still up there. Satan’s world lied again…

    Look at what NASA says about the ever expanding universe. If this is true, why have the stars not moved, split apart as they would have over these thousands of recorded years of constantly flying apart (NASA claims billions of years). Why does the north star Polaris sit in the exact same place over the North Pole and NEVER move even though the Earth Rotates 1,000+ mph, spirals thousands of mph and flies individually apart at speeds of millions of miles per hour yet the stars that should be spaced inches apart mathematically after thousands of years (billions according to NASA) remain exactly as they always were with ALL stars rotating around Polaris which never moves. Someone lied a lot more.

    Why when you spin anything, especially any ball, does water fly off no matter the circumstances of metal, magnetic, dirt or anything else? Yet water always maintains a perfect LEVEL on the Earth even when a laser light is run across any body of water, whether lake, river, ocean or canal for hundreds of miles of absolutely no curve. Someone is lying.

    Why did the British BBC news after NASA mistakenly sent dozens of wrong videos to them make a documentary that is all over Youtube of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Houston NASA faking a picture of Earth FROM Earth’s orbit while claiming to be in orbit around the moon prior to the day they supposedly arrived in moon’s orbit when they lyingly released the video to us? Because they lied just as the word NASA means in Hebrew… “to deceive”!

    You need to Google… “Operation Paperclip”. You will find that the USA government after WWII illegally brought Nazi war criminals to the USA to start up NASA! This is being run today by admitted Luciferians. Why when I look through a $90,000 telescope do the planets look totally different than the NASA CGI images even though you can expand the images perfectly clear to the size of a basketball? Maybe because theirs are admittedly CGI cartoons???!!!

    Why are all of NASA’s CGI pictures of Earth continents always different sizes while the ball Earth is exactly the same size? Because they are computer generated images (cartoons)!

    Enough for now. I hope Jehovah opens your eyes to these truths. Sometimes we are not shown all truth as fast as the society knows to keep from scaring us away from the whole truth. Love and miss you all.Yep it’s me, say hi to your dad and family! Ryan, easier to catch flies with sugar than vinegar!

    • ranjuro says:

      I have no idea about any boat motor videos. I think that was Reed. He’s the one who is rebuilding boat motors, not me. 🙂

      As to the rest of it, I think we will just to agree to disagree on this one. I am familiar with everything you posted, all the arguments, I know why I don’t consider any of them to be valid, but I have never found that doing point by point rebuttals of claims on the internet has served me particularly well, been good for my relationships with others or been a great use of my time, so, I won’t. Love ya man, no matter what shape you might think the earth is.

  2. Scott says:

    I absolutely love your reply, Ryan. Made me laugh. I also like this new trend of witnesses in secret referring to themselves as ghosts on the internet. That’s how I feel my family has transformed themselves as well to interact with reality.